Multnomah Falls
Proceeds from this piece are going to help restore Multnomah Falls and the beautiful Columbia Gorge.
Last year a tragic fire burnt much of the Gorge’s beloved hiking trails, wildlife and scenery. We are proudly working with restoration groups to help bring the funding and awareness needed to repair this National Treasure.
Small things make a big difference
Together we can be a wildfire of unstoppable goodness
As people like you join our family, purchase the art, and join in our awesome projects and social media challenges, we’ll be able to spread goodness and awareness through our world, so that together we can support many different organizations and causes in work that matters. Currently, as we work on building more local connections, proceeds will be proudly dispersed to organizations like the ones below to create maximum effect. Please note I/we are not endorsed or affiliated with any organization below. Proceeds are donated to them by choice.

American Civil Liberties Union
To protect our minority and lgbtq friends, and fight for civil rights like women’s health/equal pay, prison reform, disability support, ending trafficking and child exploitation, and anti- discrimination

International Rescue Committee
To rescue lives world wide, and to respond to some of the world’s worst crises, delivering aid that saves lives while paving the way for long-term recovery.

World Wildlife Fund
To protect our endangered species, by promoting species conservation, fighting to end poaching and wildlife crime, preserving vital habitats, and empower people to protect wildlife

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
To protect our furry friends from cruelty and neglect through rescue, placement, and prevention, and protection measures.

Climate Reality Project
The Climate Reality Project’s mission is mission is to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society.

National Resources Defense Council
To protect our land, oceans, wildlife, and natural resources, promote renewable energy, and address climate change